About me

I am a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research New England, based in Cambridge, MA. In May 2024 I graduated from my PhD in Computer Science from NYU, where my advisor was Joan Bruna. I work on generative AI models (diffusion models, normalizing flows) and related topics at the intersection of machine learning, statistics and optimization. During my PhD, I interned at IBM Research and Microsoft Research, and was a Visiting Researcher at Meta FAIR Labs for two years. In 2019 I obtained a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Engineering Physics from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

My email address is cd2754 (at) nyu (dot) edu.

Undergrad internship opportunities at MSR! If you are a rising junior or senior undergraduate student interested in working with me, apply here by Oct. 21, 2024, and mention my name: https://aka.ms/msr-ugrad.